
Cross Plants & Produce

No surprise here after CP&P already won “Favorite Local Business” in our poll! It’s true that this extremely popular local business isn’t even 1 year old. We hope this popularity sticks with them for a long time as we feel (like most of you do too) that CP&P is an awesome place to have in the city of Kyle. Please pardon us now as we just copy/paste what we wrote for their “Favorite Local Business” winning post —

BOK_Favorite_NEWLocal_BusinessCP&P offers a variety of fresh & organic produce, dairy, plants, coffee, pottery, and so much more. On top of all that, they also have created a wonderful environment for individuals or families to come and enjoy. Nothing is better than walking around the CP&P property on a beautiful day and enjoying the flowers, plants, and resident celebrities Spot (the mini horse) and Shorty (the mini donkey).

What’s your favorite thing about Cross Plants & Produce? Let us know in the comment section below!

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